Debug Logging

Log.warning(object, message)

Logs a warning message, like wp_warning_object

  • object (GObject or GBoxed) – optional object to associate the message with; you may skip this and just start with the message as the first parameter

  • message (string) – the warning message to log

Log.message(object, message)

Logs a normal message, like wp_message_object

  • object (GObject or GBoxed) – optional object to associate the message with; you may skip this and just start with the message as the first parameter

  • message (string) – the normal message to log, message)

Logs a info message, like wp_info_object

  • object (GObject or GBoxed) – optional object to associate the message with; you may skip this and just start with the message as the first parameter

  • message (string) – the info message to log

Log.debug(object, message)

Logs a debug message, like wp_debug_object

  • object (GObject or GBoxed) – optional object to associate the message with; you may skip this and just start with the message as the first parameter

  • message (string) – the debug message to log

Log.trace(object, message)

Logs a trace message, like wp_trace_object

  • object (GObject or GBoxed) – optional object to associate the message with; you may skip this and just start with the message as the first parameter

  • message (string) – the trace message to log


Prints a table with all its contents, recursively, to stdout for debugging purposes


t (table) – any table